Physiotherapie und Pilates in Cascais Physiotherapie und Pilates in Cascais auf deutsch Physiotherapy and Pilates in Cascais in english Coming Soon: Fisioterapia e Pilates em Cascais em portugues

Physiotherapy and Pilates in Cascais

Ricarda Kley

Proprio- Neurozeptive Faszilitation (PNF)

PNF Physiotherapy and Pilates in Cascais

Proprio- Neurozeptive Faszilitation (PNF)

PNF is a neurologically-oriented form of therapy for the facilitation of movement of the functional unit of nerve and muscle. It mainly is applied in the fields of neurology, orthopedics and surgery in order to coordinate physically related chains of movements, reduction of pathological movement patterns as well as muscular strengthening and stretching.