Physiotherapie und Pilates in Cascais Physiotherapie und Pilates in Cascais auf deutsch Physiotherapy and Pilates in Cascais in english Coming Soon: Fisioterapia e Pilates em Cascais em portugues

Physiotherapy and Pilates in Cascais

Ricarda Kley

Sensorimotor training

Sensorimotor Training Physiotherapy and Pilates in Cascais

Sensorimotor Training / Propriozeptive Sensorimotor Facilitation

Includes perception, coordination and balance training using a variety of special appliances, such as unstable surface and therapy roundabout. In addition, the contact of the soles of foot will be optimized and the "Short Foot by Janda," developed.

The sensorimotor training is used both with children and adults.

Examples of indications are:

  • Imbalance of different origins
  • Faulty posture and posture
  • Foot, knee or hip surgery
  • deformity of the limbs
  • nneurological disorders

In principle, however, one can say that sensorimotor training is part of almost every holistic well-structured physical therapy.