Physiotherapie und Pilates in Cascais Physiotherapie und Pilates in Cascais auf deutsch Physiotherapy and Pilates in Cascais in english Coming Soon: Fisioterapia e Pilates em Cascais em portugues

Physiotherapy and Pilates in Cascais

Ricarda Kley

Respiratory therapy

Respiratory Therapy Physiotherapy and Pilates in Cascais

Einsatzbereich der Atemtherapie

The respiratory therapy is applied in all departments of preventive medicine, for example, before and after surgery in order to prevent pneumonia, improve of thoracic mobility, and lymphatic drainage.

Therapeutically, the respiratory therapy is used in various lung diseases such as:

  • chronic asthma
  • COPD
  • Asthmabronchiale
  • Bronchoektasien
  • Cystic fibrosis

Respiratory therapy techniques

Respiratory therapy includes manual manipulations, like vibrating, patting and soft tissue activation, rib mobilisation, special body alignment and breathing techniques. Drehdehnlagerungen and breathing techniques.